Pure Omegas & Healthy Fats with Steph Lowe
Knowing and Eliminating toxic chemicals in skincare & cosmetics with Chey Birch
The gut-brain connection with Kale Brock
What’s all the fuss about MCT oil? with Cliff Harvey
The 9 power herbs you need in your pantry
The power of herbs for beating coughs, colds & the winter blues with Victor Tuballa
Controlling acne from the inside out with SkinB5 founder Judy Cheung-Wood
Lycopene & the link to heart & prostate health with Sam Hunter
All things Hemp with Zoe Bingley-Pullin
Manuka Honey – All you need to know
Cacao & Raw Chocolate – what it is & why it’s so good for you
Indigestion, Gut Health & Healthy Gut Flora Balance
Seaweed Masterclass with Hayley Fraser-Mackenzie
Tulsi is more than your average cup of tea
Ultimate Youth & Jojoba with Vicki Engsall